Becoming a member of Off Stage is easy!

All you need to do is send your name, mailing address, phone number and a check or money order for $5.00 to the following address.

Off Stage Productionsj0341539
PO Box 104
Van Wert, Ohio 45891.

Or you may join while you attend one of our shows. Simply ask the person at the ticket table for a membership form while you are at the show and we will be happy to help!

Becoming a member of OSP is a great way to help support the work that we do to bring you these shows each year. In addition to helping offset some of the financial cost of producing the shows, membership also provides you an opportunity to make your reservations, two full days before the general public. Membership also provides you the privilege of attending our Annual meeting held each February, and to vote on who will be elected to our board of trustees as well as who our officers will be for the coming year.

Off Stage Productions, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization and all donations to OSP are fully tax deductible. If you love the arts and enjoy what we are doing by providing entertaining dinner theatre in Van Wert, we would be honored if you would make a donation to help us continue to produce these shows each year.